Abstract Submission – ISLAND 2025 ISLAND 2025 Abstract Submission First Name * Last Name * Honorific (Mr., Ms., Dr., Other) Dr. PhD Other If “other”, please write here Email * Affiliation * Position/ Title * Mailing Address * Country * Presenter 2 (Optional) Please answer “n/a” if there is no second presenter for this abstract First Name (Presenter 2) * Last Name (Presenter 2) * Honorific (Mr., Ms., Dr., Other) Dr. Option 2 If “other”, please write here Email (Presenter 2) Affiliation (Presenter 2) Presenter 3 (Optional) Please answer “n/a” if there is no third presenter for this abstract First Name (Presenter 3) * Last Name (Presenter 3) * Honorific (Mr., Ms., Dr., Other) Dr. Option 2 Text Email (Presenter 3) Affiliation (Presenter 3) Please list names, honorifics, emails, and affiliation of any additional presenters Abstract Details Abstract Title (Maximum 20 words) * Abstract Text (Maximum 200 words) * Topics * Blindness Deafness Deaf-Blindness Artificial Intelligence Access Technology Sonification General Papers Other Disability If “Other Disability” please specify Presenter(s) Bio Statement (max 100 words) * Do you consent to your presentation being recorded and posted to the conference sites after the conference is completed? Please note agreeing to record is not mandatory for acceptance of your abstract. * Yes No Are you willing to have your presentation video posted to YouTube? * Yes No Are you willing to present…? * In-Person Virtually Both Do you require any ADA accommodations for your presentation? If so, please describe them. If your abstract is accepted you commit to registering for the conference * Agree It is expected that all participants in the ISLAND Conference read and abide by our Code of Conduct. * I have read and agree to the ISLAND code of conduct Additional Presenter Information Have you previously presented at ISLAND? * Yes No How did you hear about ISLAND? * Website Independence Science Newsletter Colleague Employer Twitter Instagram Facebook Other If “Other”, please explain Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.