Wolfram syndrome is an extremely rare genetic disorder. it can also be refered to as DIDMOAD (diabetes insepidous diabetes mellitus optic atrophy deafness). There is little known about this disorder, but with the research being done , new things are discovered.
The Ellie White Foundation is a foundation I started to raise awareness for families, research facilities, and medical centers. Fundraising is an additional goal, I do fundraising around the country to donate 100% of the earnings to the research facility that is doing the most successful research.
I was diagnosed with type one diabetes when I was three years old, and I have no family history. When I was seven years old, I was diagnosed with Wolfram Syndrome, after finding out that I have significant vision loss. I was slowly losing my vision until I was about 15 years old, then it decreased rapidly. I am now using a cane, reading braille, and utilizing technology to get through school. The largest goal for me in life is to live life to the fullest, and help other people understand their meaning in life.